There is a quote that says:

“You cannot raise your children how your parents raised you because they raised you for a world that no longer exists.”
~Mufti Menk

This generation of kids needs something very different.

They are ready to lead,
and that’s a wonderful thing. ❤️

As a parent today, we don’t have to figure it all out, doling out punishments, being in charge in that old-school way most of us were raised.

Yet, it’s also not about being a pushover either.

Parenting today is about learning:

✨ HOW to lead.

✨ Being more effective and efficient as a parent.

✨ Leaning back into TRUST.

✨ Inviting the leadership in your children to problem solve and develop solutions.

➡️ THIS is the thinking this generation of children need.

❤️ It’s the curiosity and the application of knowledge that A.I. can never replace.

❤️ It’s the way to develop a generation of community leaders and affirm secure attachment in your family.

Parenting today is about developing leadership in your family.

Because “a great leader brings out the leadership in others.”

Parenting is Leadership 

I’m here to bring out the leadership in you, so that you can bring out the leadership in your children.

Is developing leadership in your family a top priority as a parent?

Are you experiencing power struggles, feeling too “mean” as a parent, or that your children are over-powering you?

Could you reply to this email and share your top current parenting challenge? Happy to offer some support.

p.s. It is never too late or too early to develop leadership in your family – no matter how little or old your children are. 

Click here to schedule a complimentary session to talk about leadership goals in your family with the Happy Home framework.