Supporting thousands of parents over the last 12 years - and on my own parenting as healing journey - I've learned:
Our challenges and struggles with our children usually reflect our deepest insecurities and childhood wounds.
And this work can be painful.
That's why Compassion is key.
Because this is staying human...
Sitting with the pain.
Being brave to work on our healing journey for our children - and ourselves.
What no one tells us about parenting...
Struggles with our children are usually a reflection of our deepest insecurities and childhood wounds.
There's so much focus these days on parenting information and tools to support our children's behavior.
Yet, it's really about our parenting as healing journey.
Because our children are simply a reflection of our thoughts, feelings, emotional states, and current attachment style.
And if we're struggling:
on how to best support our children,
with our children's behavior,
or our own responses
We're doing some deep healing and personal growth work.
I share the process to meet your children's emotional and attachment needs, while simultaneously meeting your own unmet needs.
Would you like support on this journey?
Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation.
Sending love, support, and lots of compassion.
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