Enjoy these 6 little shifts to make a big impact in parenting – and the relationship with your children – today.

Parenting is big, all-consuming, and sometimes overwhelming work.

How can we keep it simple (as simple as possible)?

And adopt simple, straightforward tools that will have the biggest impact with the most ease on our part.

I hope you enjoy these 6 simple shifts in parenting that will have the biggest impact on day-to-day parenting life.

These are also some of the foundational tools parents use in Happy Home Coaching.

Enjoy, and reply to this email which one speaks to you the most!

6 Little Things = a BIG Impact on Children’s Behavior

1) Take time every day to appreciate the COOL people you are raising. Look at your kids. Smile at their smile. Celebrate them for who they are and how they’re learning and growing up.

2) Get that Quality Time in. Step into your children’s world and follow them in play. If they’re older, follow them in their interests.

3) Send the message of TRUST. When you truly trust in your children for who they are, their values, and their actions – they rise to the occasion. We all have obstacles to trust as parents. Sometimes, it’s working with those blocks, and other times it’s faking it till we make it.

4) State clear, positive expectations. Parents are often shocked that when they begin clearly communicating what the expectations are as a positive (not as a “don’t ___”), children cooperate. If you feel like your kids aren’t listening, it could be that you’re not being clear.

5) Believe in yourself as a parent. You’re already an amazing parent and yes, you are human. It’s nearly impossible to believe in your kids if you’re not believing in yourself. Believe in yourself, your strengths, and who you are. Parenting mistakes are simply opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve alongside your children. ✨

6) Start involving your children in day-to-day decision-making. Get their input. Access their wisdom. You are still the leader, but remember a great leader brings out the leadership in others. And children today are ready to lead.

Hope you enjoyed these 6 little shifts to make a big impact in your parenting today.

Which number above do you connect with most Reply to this email, and let me know!

Sending all the best on your parenting journey. ️

P.S. You can access additional complimentary, brain-based positive parenting tools here in the Happy Home Week Masterclass! All free, and this even includes 1:1 support from me. Parents always say how potent the coaching session is. I’ll get you started in the right direction, feeling affirmed as a parent, and with 1-3 simple tools customized for your family. Click here to register.